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Our ministry is dependent on God's provision through people like you -- people with a heart for the hard-to-reach, the lost, and the forgotten. Would you please prayerfully consider financially supporting the work that God has called us to, whether that is just ten minutes down the road or on the other side of the world?  These twelve days are suggestions on how you can help us Impact the world with the Gospel.


* Note: Your gift is a general donation to the work of Impact Sports. These specific items are listed as guidelines, suggestions, and education for your gift of support. According to IRS guidelines, we cannot specify what a donation is for and still give tax-credit.


Day 1 - Sports Equipmemt

On every international trip, we take sports equipment to help run sports clinics that allow us to reach hundreds of athletes and coaches. This equipment ranges from balls or jerseys, cones or whistles, but all of it makes us more effective in reaching the hard-to-reach. 

Day 3 - Christmas Camp Scholarship

Each Christmas Break, we hold a 2-day basketball camp for grades 3-8. We teach basic fundamentals of basketball while also incorporating games, excellent instruction, & competitions. Most importantly though, we have the chance each day to clearly Share the Good News of Jesus.

Day 5 - Trip Airfare

God has called us and specifically equipped us to use our gifting in sports to take the Gospel to the hard places found at the "ends of the earth". This is not an inexpensive calling! The average cost of an airline ticket for one of our international trips is $1500.

Day 7 - Team Apparel

As we travel internationally or to prison, we need gear for our trip participants. This could be hats or jerseys for our prison teams. It is also apparel that adds to our professionalism and legitimacy to minister in restricted places as we train & compete against local, regional or national teams.

Day 9 - International Trip

We take between 6-7 international trips per year to share the Gospel and reach the unreached through sports in hard-to-reach places. Airfare is always the largest portion of a full trip, but also includes food, lodging, in-country travel, visas, insurance, etc. 

Day 11 - Prison Weekend

Since 2007, we’ve visited more than 30 different prisons in 5 different states to share the Gospel playing basketball, softball and volleyball. We have had the privilege to share Jesus with more than 8,000 inmates and seen more than 1,100 of them find freedom in Christ! The average cost of one of these weekend trips is $150.

Day 2 - Meal at Basketball Tournament

Every Thanksgiving week, we host the Impact Sports High School Basketball Invitational. On the middle night of the tournament, we are able to feed, fellowship with the teams, and share the Gospel. We have shared the Truth with thousands of athletes and coaches, and seen more than 400 give their lives to Jesus!

Day 4 - Utterly Amazed

In 2021, John Andrews published Utterly Amazed: Stories From Outside the Boat. Since, he has released a Study Guide & a series of videos. Hundreds of people have walked through these with their small group or church. We are honored to hear story after story of how God has changed people's lives. 

Day 6 - Gospel Bracelets

These are a staple for our ministry. These bracelets have been essential conversation starters for us in places where we cannot openly share the Gospel, but they also become an effective and consistent tool our people use when they come home.  

Day 8 - Podcast Sponsor

“I Say All That To Say This”, hosted by John Andrews, has more than 90 episodes and is listened to in over 15 countries & 25 states. We interview guests who share a similar heart or mission for the Gospel. We have also begun using this platform as a way to encourage our listeners with a weekly devotion.

Day 10 - New Believers Devotional

John Andrews is currently working on a 6-week devotional for new believers that we will be using for those that choose to follow Jesus because of all of our domestic projects. The devotional will also be available for anyone to use.

Day 12 - Hoop Coalition Starter Pack

Impact Sports just recently joined forces with Hoop Coalition. Hoop Coalition seeks to build relationships through basketball, while simultaneously introducing them to Jesus. We are working on a "starter pack" to equip local churches to reach their city through the gym! In this pack, a local partner will find all they need to have a consistent weekly basketball ministry in their gym.

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